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family lawyer london signing legal bundles

We provide legal expertise that gets results

LIL Legal has expertise in a variety of sectors, so we've probably taken on a case like yours before

Family law services with satisfied clients


We handle all aspects of divorce related legal administration and we work with some of the leading family barristers in the UK. Our special interests are financial orders and child contact arrangements.

We are able to instruct barristers, solicitors, paralegals and McKenzie Friends to suit all budgets and circumstances.

Creation of a Pre-Bundle of documents
Barrister Case Conference
Case Management

Family law services with satisfied clients


LIL specialises in case managing clients who have encountered ongoing problems with the Insolvency service. We also specialise in company winding up petitions, especially those involving HMRC Appeals, (tax investigations / disputes).

We work very closely in this complex sector with leading barristers, including Kings Counsel calibre.

Family law services with satisfied clients

Civil Litigation

We operate in very specific areas of civil litigation including shareholder disputes, OFT, FCA & HMRC.

​Section 994 disputes
Shareholders agreements
Tax avoidance matters
Income tax overpayments & underpayments
Misfeasance claims
Wrongful trading suits
Section 216 offences

Family law services with satisfied clients


We offer support to clients in Direct Access instructions. We assist top criminal/motoring offense barristers in managing complex cases.

Motoring offences
Prescription drug theft
Assault by beating
Aggravated racial harassment
Historic sexual abuse
Malicious communications

Family law services with satisfied clients


This is a highly complex area of law and we provide legal administration services in Direct Access Cases only. Our Immigration Team is supervised by leading immigration barristers.

​We provide the best possible case management for successful applications to the Home Office by working personally with clients.

Family law services with satisfied clients

Debt Enforcement

We offer both interpersonal client liaison services and computerised processes to speed up the debt procedure.

1. Bundling of case documents on our Client Portal with your own secure login, access to all the documents via a record link, and access to your unique Case Monitor update document.
2. Issue of court proceedings.
3. Judgement entered into.
4. Transfer of Judgment to the High Court to obtain the necessary Writ of Control.
5. Once the sealed writ is received an enforcement agent will attend the debtor within 48 hours.


Get Tailored Legal Support

Facing legal challenges? At LIL Legal we understand the importance of support throughout your case, and we're here to make things easier for you. Contact us now and let's win your case together.

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