How We Work
It is important that non-hostile negotiation with Trust companies is maintained throughout any proceeding as undue hostility can upset finely balanced apple carts and precarious financial situations. Because of our reputation as intelligent and seasoned negotiators we are often able to extricate individuals from precarious matters where large amounts of money are held by Trust companies.
Facilitating and overseeing transfers of assets
This is extremely complex and needs expert assistance. We are experienced in using reputable agents and finance companies to ensure that assets are transferred legally and correctly from Trust companies to beneficiaries.

Mitigating Costs
Unlike the UK, in many offshore jurisdictions there are no such things as cost management hearings. We work with seasoned costs lawyers in the UK and outside jurisdictions in all matters of costs that are so easily racked up in trust disputes. Our eye is always firmly on the ball when assessing costs and negotiating with Trust company lawyers.